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About About Wisdom Walk Welcome to Wisdom Walk. I’m grateful you’ve stopped by.   This blog is born from a deep desire to help my congregation grow in their pursuit of wisdom, their thirst for discipleship,...
DALL·E 2024-11-01 12.16.34 - A rugged mountain path winding through a valley, leading up to a distant peak with a cross at the summit, symbolizing the journey of discipleship
The Danger of Cheap Grace: Reclaiming Discipleship in the Church
Exploring the Hollowing Effect of Cheap Grace on Modern Christian Life
Man Fishing, ready to answer the Call
From Belief to Discipleship: The Requirements of Following Jesus
Exploring Repentance, Faithfulness, and the Kingdom Message of Jesus  In His ministry, Jesus called people to more than just belief—He called them to follow, repent, and commit to a life aligned with...
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Discipleship According To Jesus: Returning To A Biblical Vision of Christianity
In the broader Christian culture, I’ve noticed a slow resurgence of the language of “disciple” and “discipleship”. I think that a return to such biblical language is helpful...
Who Am I? 9 Signs You've Been Influenced by Expressive Individualism
In our previous discussions, I examined how culture has redefined identity, turning it into something deeply personal, fluid, and self-constructed. We looked at five questions that can bring clarity to...
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